Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Establishing Norms

Establishing Norms

Q Think of a time when you were in a learning situation in a community that went very well for you. What were some of the implicit and explicit "rules" or normal group behaviors that supported your participation as a learner? How did these help? We'll use the class's responses to create a set of "norms" for our virtual classroom. Your response should be a minimum of 200 words and should be uploaded as a document by following the directions below. Steps: 1. Using either Microsoft Word or Google Docs, write your response to the above questions. 2. When finished, save your document. 3. Upload your document by clicking "Submit Assignment." If using Word, click "Choose File" to find your document wherever you saved it. If using Google Docs, click "Google Drive" to upload your document. You do not need to type into any of the other text fields or text boxes. 4. Click Submit Assignment.

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Every group maintains certain norms and it is expected that all the participants will follow the mentioned rules for the overall learning of the group. I have been part of many such groups including by Book Worms club. It is a group of people who love to read books and we meet every week to talk about the recent books that we are reading now. It was a great learning experience as we got to learn so much from one another. The rules were good and I appreciate the rule makers because without them this club would not have been such a success.